North Carolina Presbyterian Historical Society, Inc.
Bylaws (as amended February 2018)

Article I

The purposes for which the corporation is organized are: To honor Christ, the head of the church; to increase members’ knowledge of Presbyterian history; to encourage research and publication in fields related to Presbyterian history; and to search out, restore, and preserve documents and other material of historic value, primarily relating to the Presbyterian Church (USA) in North Carolina.

Article II

Membership shall be open to individuals, families, and institutions desiring to affiliate with the corporation and who pay the prescribed dues. Only active members may vote and hold office.

Article III

Meetings and Quorum
Meetings shall be held in the spring and the fall. The spring meeting shall be for educational purposes and shall include visits to churches and other places of historic interest. The fall meeting shall be the principal meeting for business and inspiration. Additional meetings may be called by the president upon giving two weeks notice prior to the date of the meeting.

At meetings of the Society, ten percent of the members will constitute a quorum. At meetings of the board of directors a simple majority of the members of the board will constitute a quorum.

Article IV

Officers shall be elected biennially at the fall meeting and shall take office immediately thereafter. They shall be elected for terms of two years and may be reelected for one additional term of office. In the event the office of president becomes vacant between elections, the first vice president shall automatically become president. Vacancies occurring in other offices between elections shall be filled by the president, with the approval of the board of directors. Officers shall include the following:

President, who shall preside at meetings of the Society and board of directors and call special meetings of both as necessary, appoint committee members except chairpersons who are elected officers, and perform other duties required of the office. In the absence of the president at a meeting of the Society or board of directors, the first vice president shall preside;

First Vice President, chair of programs;

Second Vice President, chair of membership;

Third Vice President, chair of awards.

Secretary, who shall keep minutes of meetings of the Society and board of directors; preserve minutes and other records of historic value; give due notice of, and prepare agendas for, meetings of the Society and board of directors, and in general handle correspondence for both; be responsible for the printing of the Newsletter as received from the editor, and for mailing it to the members.

Treasurer, who shall receive and be responsible for dues and other Society funds and deposit them in a bank or other financial institution approved by the board of directors.

The offices of secretary and treasurer may be combined at the discretion of the board of directors.

Article V

Appointed Officials
The following officials shall be appointed by the board of directors to serve at the pleasure of the board; they shall be ex officio members of the board of directors.

Historian, who shall be responsible for collecting and preserving historical records and materials of the Society, and for performing such other duties and functions as the board of directors may consider beneficial to the Society;

Editor of the Newsletter, who shall collect newsworthy material of interest to members of the Society, edit it for publication in the quarterly issues of the Newsletter, and deliver a copy to the secretary for printing and distribution to Society members. The cost of publishing the Newsletter shall be borne by the Society, but the editor shall serve without pay.

Article VI

Board of Directors
The board of directors shall consist of the president as chairperson, the immediate past president, the officers of the Society, the historian (ex officio), and the editor of the Newsletter (ex officio). It shall perform duties as prescribed by the bylaws, be responsible for the operation of the Society in intervals between meetings, and shall meet prior to the spring and fall meetings and at such other times as the president may direct.

Article VII

Standing committees of the Society are listed below. Members shall be appointed by the president, except those chairpersons who are elected officers of the Society. Terms of office shall be two years, but appointed members may be reappointed at the pleasure of the president, with the approval of the board of directors. Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the president, with the approval of the board of directors.

Program Committee, which shall consist of the first vice president as chairperson and two additional members. With the approval of the board of directors, it shall select the dates and places for the spring and fall meetings and prepare programs for both.

Membership Committee, which shall consist of the second vice president as chairperson and at least one member from each of the five presbyteries in the state. It shall be the function of the committee to develop and carry out continuous statewide campaigns to increase membership.

Awards Committee, which shall consist of the third vice president as chairperson and two additional members. It shall act upon applications for awards and prepare certificates of award for individuals and organizations, which in the opinion of the committee merit such awards. In so doing the committee shall be governed by the guidelines approved by the board of directors.

Nominating Committee, which shall consist of a chairperson and two members, shall be appointed at the spring meeting. It shall prepare a slate of officers to be voted upon at the following fall meeting. Persons nominated should have agreed to serve. A proposed slate of officers shall be included in the fall newsletter.

Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws Committee, which shall consist of a chairperson and two members. All recommendations for amendments to the articles of incorporation and bylaws shall be referred to the committee, which may also originate amendments. All recommended amendments shall be forwarded to the secretary in sufficient time to permit distribution to members at least two weeks prior to the next scheduled meeting, at which time they shall be submitted to the members present for a vote.

Resolutions Committee, which shall consist of a chairperson and two additional members. It shall prepare and present to the Society at its meetings resolutions with respect to deceased members; in recognition of members who have rendered distinguished service; and of appreciation to individuals, churches, and other institutions for their hospitality.

Article VIII

Fiscal Year
The fiscal and operating year shall be based on the calendar year.

Article IX

Annual dues, consisting of individual or family dues and individual life memberships, shall be established by the board of directors.

Article X

Bequests and Gifts
Bequests and gifts may be made in the form of memorials, or in such other form or manner as may be agreed upon by the donor and the board of directors.

Article XI

In the event of the dissolution of the Society, all of its assets, after the payment of all debts, shall be divided equally among the presbyteries of North Carolina. Other records and artifacts shall be donated to the Historical center.



Annual dues are:
• Individual $15
• Family $20
• Individual Life $125

Notices of dues shall be sent to members in January. The date payable shall be February 1.

Dues shall be sent to the treasurer. The treasurer shall forward names to the membership vice president who shall keep an accurate list of members.

Meeting dates. The spring meeting shall be held on the first weekend after Easter and the fall meeting shall be held the second Saturday in October.

Meeting fees. Registration fees for individual meetings may be prescribed by the Program Chair with input from the other members of the Board of Directors. They shall be mailed to the Treasurer.

Election of Officers. The president, second vice president, secretary, shall be elected in odd numbered years and the first and third vice presidents in even numbered years.

Newsletter publication. The Newsletter shall be published at least 60 days prior to each meeting of the society.

Documents and projects. Society members, churches, and church-related groups and organizations are urged to become involved in documentary and project activities of historic value which in some manner relate to Presbyterianism in North Carolina.

Documents include books, manuscripts, and articles of at least 4,000 words. Projects include, but are not restricted to, heritage rooms, markers, restoration, upkeep of historic sites, buildings, and cemeteries’ collection and preservation of church records, photographs, and artifacts; and production and presentation of dramatic and musical works.

Awards. The Awards Committee shall make every effort to invite awardees to attend the annual spring meeting and shall make awards at that meeting to any awardees present.


Background image: Brown Marsh Presbyterian Church, Bladen County, NC

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