About the Society:

The North Carolina Presbyterian Historical Society was established in 1964 as an official agency of the former Synod of North Carolina, Presbyterian Church, U.S. Its mission then, as now, is to foster appreciation of the heritage of Presbyterianism in North Carolina; and to encourage interest in, and enjoyment of, the history of all branches of Presbyterianism in the "Old North State." Among its goals are:

Sponsoring research in North Carolina Presbyterian history;

Recognizing scholarship and publication in the field;

Increasing knowledge of the denomination's interesting past;

Bringing together people who share such interests, whether professional or lay people, Presbyterian or not;

Working to preserve documents, structures, sites, and materials of historic value to the denomination.

“To honor Christ, the Head of the Church, in all things…”
from the NCPHS statement of purpose, 1964

Background image: Brown Marsh Presbyterian Church, Bladen County, NC

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